Hello! I’m Jordan Muthemba

Also Known as Jordan Type, I’m a self-taught Full Stack JavaScript and Blockchain Developer.

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Jordan Muthemba Web Developer!

Open Source Projects

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Full stack development

Full stack development

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Smart contract development

Smart contract development


Smart Contract Design

Smart Contract Design

Smart Contract development under the ethereum blockchain, ERC20 and Decentralized Apps Design and creation for your eco-system.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Good looking user interfaces with a good user experience with a good customer journey for an affordable price.

Full Stack Development

Full Stack Development

Get your mvp up & running in less than a week built with the Flask python APIs and ReactJS, ask your early users for feedback before scaling it.

SEO & growth

SEO & growth

Your ranking on search engines will improve and growth hacking strategies will be tested and reported to keep you ahead of your competitors.

Jordan Muthemba Web Developer!

Jordan Muthemba

© All rights are reserved | 2020 | Made with 💖 by Jordan Muthemba